Inventory Receipt (COM)





To Use the Inventory Receipt the following references need to be added to your project

·         WiSys.AllSystem

·         WiSys.ImTrx



Source Code


Sub InventoryReceipt()


        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler


        'Dim the three WiSys Objects for the Inv Issue and S/L/Bin and then

        'the Connection Object. The ItemBinReceipt object is used for

        'Issues and Reciepts

        Dim oReceipt As New Wisys_ImTrx_v3_0.Receipt

        Dim oBins As New ItemBins

        Dim oBin As ItemBin

        Dim oSerialLot As ItemSerialLot

        Dim iRtnVal As Integer

        Dim sRtnErrMsg As String

        Dim oConn As New ConnectionInfo

        'The Connection Object creates several connections

        'One obviously to the database but also to Maclocks to handle all

        'locking as well as transaction control

        'Two connection parameter options are available

        'The first one passes full authentication which is used for the

        'complete set of transactions.

        'The second uses the authentication of the WiSys setup for

        'Web Services


        oConn.Parameters "(local)", "001", “MacMSS”


        ' Not required but you can test the connection

        If oConn.TestConnectivity(sRtnErrMsg) = False Then

            MsgBox "Failed to connect. " & sRtnErrMsg, vbOKOnly

            Exit Sub

        End If

        'Open the transaction

        iRtnVal = oConn.OpenWisysConnection(True, sRtnErrMsg)

        If iRtnVal <> 0 Then

            MsgBox "Failed " & sRtnErrMsg, vbOKOnly

            Exit Sub

        End If

        'Set all of the Issue Object Parameters as you would see them in

        'the Inventory Transaction Screen

        With oReceipt

            .UserName = “SUPERVISOR”

            .DocumentDate = Now()

            .DocumentSource = DocumentSource_CustomerOrder

            .Customer = “901”

            .DocOrderNo = “”

            .ItemNumber = “HORN”

            .Location = “MA”

            .Quantity = 20

            .Comment1 = "Comment 1"

            .Comment2 = "Comment 2"

            .Connection oConn

            'Add Bin 200 and both lots

            Set oBin = oBins.Add(”200”, 10)

            Set oSerialLot = oBin.SerialLotNumbers.Add(“KL2002000000055”, 5)

            oSerialLot.MfgSerialLotNumber = “MFG1234567890”

            oSerialLot.EffectiveDate = Now()

            oSerialLot.ExpirationDate = DateAdd("YYYY", 15, Now())

            Set oSerialLot = oBin.SerialLotNumbers.Add(“KL2002000000056”, 5)

            oSerialLot.MfgSerialLotNumber = “MFG1234567891”

            oSerialLot.EffectiveDate = Now()

            oSerialLot.ExpirationDate = DateAdd("YYYY", 15, Now())

            'Add Bin 100 and both lots

            Set oBin = oBins.Add(“100”,10)

            Set oSerialLot = oBin.SerialLotNumbers.Add(“KL2002000000057”,5)

            oSerialLot.MfgSerialLotNumber = “MFG1234567892”

            oSerialLot.EffectiveDate = Now()

            oSerialLot.ExpirationDate = DateAdd("YYYY", 15, Now())

            Set oSerialLot = oBin.SerialLotNumbers.Add(“KL2002000000058”, 5)

            oSerialLot.MfgSerialLotNumber = “MFG1234567893”

            oSerialLot.EffectiveDate = Now()

            oSerialLot.ExpirationDate = DateAdd("YYYY", 15, Now())

            'Set Receipt Trx to Bin object collection

            Set .RecieptBins = oBins

            'Call the Transation and return an error code

            'and error message string

            iRtnVal = .PostTrx(sRtnErrMsg)

        End With


            If iRtnVal = 0 Then

            'If error code ok then commit the transaction. You can call

            'multiple transactions prior to the commit and continue

            'to generate Maclocks and maintain the same transaction

            iRtnVal = oConn.CloseWisysConnection(TransactionAction.TransactionAction_Commit, sRtnErrMsg)

            If iRtnVal = 0 Then

                MsgBox "Worked " & sRtnErrMsg, vbOKOnly


                MsgBox "Failed " & sRtnErrMsg, vbOKOnly

            End If


            MsgBox "Failed " & sRtnErrMsg, vbOKOnly

            'If error code not ok then roll back the transaction

            'The transaction will stay open until you commit it or roll it

            'back or terminate your application. It was decided to give the

            'the developer full control over the transaction

            iRtnVal = oConn.CloseWisysConnection(TransactionAction.TransactionAction_Rollback, sRtnErrMsg)

        End If

        Exit Sub        ' Exit to avoid handler.


        iRtnVal = _

        oConn.CloseWisysConnection(TransactionAction.TransactionAction_Rollback, sRtnErrMsg)

        MsgBox "Failed " & sRtnErrMsg, vbOKOnly


End Sub